Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Veteran Falls Memorial

The builder for the Veteran Falls Memorial under construction on Hwy. 51 west of Granbury recently gave a program that updated the progress of this unique memorial. Having traveled down Hwy. 51 west of Granbury several times and viewing the progress, is first appears that there has not been much work done. But that is definitely not the case. The majority of the work is in fact completed and the project is nearing the final stages.

The problem is that the project has slowed because they have currently run out of funds. According to the program presenter who is doing the work they need about $39,000 dollars to complete the project.

Below is additional information concerning the project, with contact information and they have a website,, with information.

This area will become a public park on completion, and will become a great access to the community.

They are currently raising funds through donations, selling t-shirts, stickers and other fundraising activities to try and finish this project this fall. They would certainly appreciate any help completing this project.

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