Friday, September 18, 2009

The Odd Couple Reversed at the Granbury Opera House

Charlie Parrish & Micky Shearon are playing the spanish gigilos in this hilarious production. Show dates are Sept 24, 25, 26 & Oct 1, 2, 3 at 7:30 PM with matinees on the Saturdays at 2 PM Call the Opera House for tickets 817-573-9191

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Reflections on the Sunset

The evening is peaceful.
The mighty oaks provide a canopy overhead.
The water looks like glass with the
fading reflection of the sun.
The waves provide a calming sound as they gently roll.
The sky is a beautiful shade of pink mingled with orange
Slowly the subtle shades give way to
brighter shares of orange and pink.
The water is becoming a beautiful reflection the sky above.
The geese fly by and say goodnight on their
way back to the grassy fields.
The crickets chime in to say hello.
The colors of the sky are now growing dim
and the night sky appears.

Thank for Lord, for another beautiful day.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Show dates are May 15 to June 7. For tickets call 817-573-9191 or click on title above and go the Opera House website.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Month of Sundays

The month of May is a great time take advantage of the opportunity to learn more about Granbury's rich history. A Month of Sunday's, presented by Granbury's Historical Preservation Society an integral part of Granbury's culture. Charlie Parrish will emcee the Oral History Reenactment of Mary Lou Watkins who was an influential figure in making the Historical Downtown square. Come see Charlie on May 10, and try out the other events as well.

For more information about Month of Sundays
call 817-279-1164

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

KINDNESS EXPLOSION April 17th & 18th

SO WHAT IS LOVE GRANBURY? It's really simple. Love Granbury is all about taking the love of Christ to our community through humble acts of community service. These community service projects can be in the form of free car washes, mowing yards, roadside litter pick up, passing out soft drinks and many other types of community service, all free of charge and with no strings attached. In other words, being the Good News…Sharing the Good News!The centerpiece component of the Love Granbury model is an annual event we call "Kindness Explosion". The Kindness Explosion is a two-day event that focuses on what Jesus told us were the two greatest commandments…to love God with all that we are, and to love all others as we love ourselves. During the Kindness Explosion weekend, local churches of varied denominational backgrounds come together to love God through worship, and to love the community I His name through acts of humble community service - all to the glory of God! We believe that there is no greater witness to a lost and hurting world than the church, as one unified Body of Believers, reaching out in genuine love and compassion to the community through humble acts of kindness. We seek to redefine the church in our community by actively planting seeds of God's unconditional love in the hearts of every man, woman and child in this community.

This year's Kindness Explosion event is this next Friday and Saturday, April 17th and 18th. We start off on Friday evening at 7:00pm with an awesome interdenominational worship service, which will be held this year at our host church, Granbury Baptist Church. Worship will be led by the Lincoln Wiseman Band and our special speaker for the event is going to be Rev. Tim Adams from San Antonio, Texas. Tim is the Founder and Director of Corriente Ministries, an urban street ministry in San Antonio.

Then on Saturday morning at 10:00am, the Kindness Explosion kicks into high gear as twenty local congregations go out to blitz the greater Granbury area with God's unconditional love through acts of kindness and service...all done free of charge with no strings attached! Some of our Kindness Projects this year include neighborhood block parties, "really-free" car washes, cook-outs, neighborhood clean-up, turning self service gas stations into full service gas stations, grocery carry out and cart return at local supermarkets, and handing out bottled water/soft drinks at local intersections around town,just to name a few. It's safe to say that if you are out anywhere near the town of Granbury this Saturday between the hours of 10:00am and 2:00pm, you will more than likely see groups of people in the gray "Love Granbury" T-shirts serving the community in some capacity.

After the Kindness Explosion ends at 2:00pm, everyone gathers back at Granbury Baptist for a quick lunch and then we have our Celebration Service starting a 3:00pm. During the Celebration Service, we will hear stories and testimonies from every congregation of how God moved and worked during the various service projects. We will have a little more music from Lincoln Wiseman and then we will wrap everything up.

All in all it's a wonderful weekend and a great opportunity for the local congregations to come together as the Body of Christ to shower the community with God's love and kindness. For more information about Love Granbury and the Kindness Explosion, you can visit or call Micky at 817-408-5273.

Friday, March 6, 2009



2009 Title Sponsor



April 24, 2009

Harbor Lakes Golf Club

11:00 Registration

1:00 Start

Sponsorships Available Now

$100 Entry fee includes: Green Fees, Cart, Range Balls,Lunch, Awards, Snacks

Contact Jane Mouhot for more information at 817-894-0911

Friday, February 20, 2009

"The Butler Did It" at Granbury Opera House

Charlie Parrish is portraying "Father White" in "The Butler Did It" Feb 20,21,27,28 Call 817-573-9191. Tickets are $10 & $15. Show starts at 7:30

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A New Year Challenge!

Blessed is the person, indeed
Who in this life can find;
A PURPOSE that can fill their days,
And GOALS to fill their mind!

The world is filled with little people,
Content with where they are;
not knowing joys success can bring,
No WILL to go that far!

Yet, in this world there is a need,
For people to lead the rest
To rise above the “average” life,
By giving of their best!

Would you be one, who dares to try,
When challenged by the task;
To rise to heights you’ve never seen,
Or is that too much to ask?

This is your day – a world to win,
Great purpose to achieve;
Accept the challenge of your goals
And in yourself, BELIEVE!

You will be proud of what you’ve done,
When at the close of day;
You look back on your battles won,
Content you came this way!

I can do all things through
Christ who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13