Monday, December 22, 2008


I, Charlie Parrish, was recently playing the part of “Ernie”, the cab driver, in Frank Capra’s play “It’s A Wonderful Life” at the Granbury Opera House. The story has become an annual tradition in many homes both on TV and VCR or DVD. The story came to life for me in living it on the stage with some great young professional actors and some “want-a-be-s” like me, both young and old.

The heartwarming tale of George Bailey is so inspiring to each of us to be like Jesus. While not mentioning our Lord, Capra gives George so many of the qualities of Jesus as he “does to others as he would have them do to him.” Bailey’s life is spent helping and giving to others while giving up his “dreams” for their benefit. When all else fails and the world seems to be ending, prayers come through and Clarence, the “angel” comes and shows him that he is worthwhile. The story ends with all the friends that George has helped come together and get George out of a big financial jam. In these days of the commercialization of Christ’s birthday, it was good to spend time living this beautiful story.

Thanks to Mikes Skiles of the Granbury Opera House for having the guts to keep Christ in Christmas by having plays like this and the very Christ centered show “Home for Christmas.” Thanks also to Mike for bringing such fine young actors and actresses to our stage. All our young professionals played in “It’s A Wonderful Life,” “Home for Christmas” and “The Christmas Show” for the children of Granbury. These three shows were all playing at the same time.

Phillip de los Santos did a great job of directing the show and making us all feel much at ease. He worked tirelessly to produce a beautiful show in spite of some difficult circumstances including being one of the performers in “Home for Christmas”. Phillip is a fine actor and director. We need to keep our eye out for his future.

Alex Mitchell played the part with George Bailey with such heart and really got into the role with his whole being. This guy has lots of talent, heart and pizzazz.

Chris Trimboli was perfect in the role of Clarence the angel. Chris is so much fun and so talented. He is indeed a geek with a heart as big as Texas even though he is from New Mexico.

Natalie Self, as Mary Bailey, was just perfect. Natalie is a native Granburian and so much talent as an actress (usually gets to scream in every show including this one), a dancer and a singer. We loved to watch her race away across the stage. Natalie loves everyone and is such a nice person.

Stephen Eyre plays Uncle Billy with great emotion. Stephen is such a funny talented person who plays everything from Dracula, to Santa to the Thanksgiving Turkey. What a guy and he is from Fort Worth but sounds like a yankee and sometimes a Brit.

I am not going to mention all of the other local talent who made this show both fun to watch and so much fun to be in. If you are interested in being on the stage, watch for future Community Theatre opportunities. I will be there too!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Hood County Christmas for Children

Do you remember the thrill and excitement of getting that brand new bicycle,or that new doll house on Christmas morning when you were a kid? If you're like me, you still have vivid memories of Christmas mornings around the tree and of that one "special" gift you were really, really wishing for.

Now imagine for a moment being a child and not having any gifts under the tree on Christmas morning. Maybe worse yet, imagine being a parent who finds themselves unable to provide Christmas for their kids this year. Unfortunately, we have a staggering number of families right here in Hood County that face just such a situation this Christmas. That's where Hood County Christmas for Children comes in.

Hood County Christmas for Children provides Christmas gifts to approximately 3,000 Hood County children each year, and with the troubled economic times we are experiencing right now, that number could be significantly higher this year. You know, every child, regardless of their socio-economic status has the same wishes, hopes, and dreams. Imagine the life long effects of that child having their wishes and dreams fulfilled by Santa just like all the other boys & girls.

We do this through the tireless efforts of dedicated volunteers and generous contributions of the community. Angel cards are out on the angel trees at all the local banks in Hood County and also at many other local businesses and can be "adopted" by you right now. Simply stop by one of the local banks or participating businesses and pick up an angel card. If you take that angel card to Walmart and present it to them at the check-out counter,you will receive an automatic 10% discount of your purchases made for that angel.

Imagine the joy of knowing that a boy or girl right here in Hood County will have a Merry Christmas because of your compassion and generosity! If you have any other questions about how you can help with Christmas for Children, you can contact Camille Cook at 817-559-4322 or Micky Shearon at 817-408-5273.