Wednesday, February 20, 2008

So what is Love Granbury? It's really simple. Love Granbury is all about sharing the love of Christ with our community through humble acts of community service.

Love Granbury is based on the generosity of God spilling out of our lives, and out of our churches into the lives of the people in our communities. The method we are using is called “servant evangelism” which is offering people free gifts or services to show God’s love in a practical way – no strings attached!

These community service projects can be in the form of free car washes, mowing yards, roadside litter pick up, passing out soft drinks and many other types of community service, all free of charge and again, with no strings attached.

The primary component of the Love Granbury model is an annual event called the "Kindness Explosion". The Kindness Explosion is a two day event where local churches of varied denominational backgrounds come together to worship and pray together, and then go out into the community and serve the community as one Church - all to the glory of God! We believe that there is no greater witness than the Church, as one unified body of Believers, reaching out in genuine love and compassion to the community through humble acts of kindness. We seek to redefine the church in our community by actively planting seeds of God's unconditional love in the hearts of every man, woman and child in this community.

The second component of Love Granbury is regular, ongoing (weekly, monthly or quarterly) servant evangelism outreach projects done through individual churches in the community. Its simply sharing the love of God with others by doing some act of kindness for them...and it's always free, just like God's love is free!

If you would like additional information on how your church can be involved in Love Granbury, please browse our web site at, or you can call Micky Shearon at 817-408-5273 or email him at

Friday, February 15, 2008

Granbury Golf Tournament

Well it's the end of another week in Granbury, Texas and The Parrish Team is still going strong. Our team leader Charlie Parrish has just spent the week in Atlanta at the Keller Williams Family Reunion learning the latest and greatest in real estate marketing.

Although we are in the business of selling real estate, The Parrish Team is always looking for opportunities to serve the Granbury community both as a team and as individuals. We have recently chosen to support a local organization called Christian Womens Job Corps by taking the role as the title sponsor for their Spring Golf Classic fundraiser on April 25, 2008 to be held at Harbor Lakes Golf Club.

We are very excited about supporting this organization and encourage each of you to participate as well. There is still room for you to sign up as an individual, a team, or as a sponsor for the tournament.

This worthy organization operates under the mission of serving the women and families in Granbury by providing them an education in life and job skills. CWJC offers education in a classroom setting -Bible study, computer training, communication skills, family and child care, health and nutrition, money management, job readiness and enhanced curriculum.

For more information on how you can get involved with the Spring Golf Classic or with CWJC, contact our team member and CJWC Board Member Jane Mouhot at 817-894-0911 or

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Welcome to the “I LOVE GRANBURY” blog

I am Charlie Parrish, the lead agent of the Parrish Team of Keller Williams Realty. We love Granbury and hope to promote this blog to help you better understand this wonderful community that we live in and around.

Granbury is filled with rich history from the Comanche Indians that summered on Comanche Peak (our mountain), to the early settlers along the Brazos River (earlier than the establishment of Fort Worth). Even today The Brazos River continues to be a water source for our community.

Granbury has grown and grown from a small farm community with cotton and peanuts to a bustling resort center with Lake Granbury as its crown. Granbury is also home to five beautiful golf courses that attract visitors from all over the state. In addition to our Historic Town Square and Opera House, retail trade has contributed to Granbury’s growth with major stores and restaurants moving in every year. Our airport also brings in many people and promises to be even more attractive with an additional runway that will accommodate corporate jets.

Our town and county have recently been blessed with major natural gas drilling in the Barnett Shale. While we all fuss about all the big trucks, the Barnett Shale has brought in millions of dollars to our residents and to business revenue. Many gas companies have moved here bringing along executives and many employees, contributing to our economy in great ways.

We enjoy a mild climate and a forward looking city and county government that work with citizens and businesses alike to provide a positive work environment. The town and surrounding areas provide a multitude of service organizations, church affiliations and a friendly environment to all faiths and ethnic backgrounds. I can honestly say that with its rich history and bright future, I’m glad to call Granbury home.

That’s all for today