Monday, December 22, 2008


I, Charlie Parrish, was recently playing the part of “Ernie”, the cab driver, in Frank Capra’s play “It’s A Wonderful Life” at the Granbury Opera House. The story has become an annual tradition in many homes both on TV and VCR or DVD. The story came to life for me in living it on the stage with some great young professional actors and some “want-a-be-s” like me, both young and old.

The heartwarming tale of George Bailey is so inspiring to each of us to be like Jesus. While not mentioning our Lord, Capra gives George so many of the qualities of Jesus as he “does to others as he would have them do to him.” Bailey’s life is spent helping and giving to others while giving up his “dreams” for their benefit. When all else fails and the world seems to be ending, prayers come through and Clarence, the “angel” comes and shows him that he is worthwhile. The story ends with all the friends that George has helped come together and get George out of a big financial jam. In these days of the commercialization of Christ’s birthday, it was good to spend time living this beautiful story.

Thanks to Mikes Skiles of the Granbury Opera House for having the guts to keep Christ in Christmas by having plays like this and the very Christ centered show “Home for Christmas.” Thanks also to Mike for bringing such fine young actors and actresses to our stage. All our young professionals played in “It’s A Wonderful Life,” “Home for Christmas” and “The Christmas Show” for the children of Granbury. These three shows were all playing at the same time.

Phillip de los Santos did a great job of directing the show and making us all feel much at ease. He worked tirelessly to produce a beautiful show in spite of some difficult circumstances including being one of the performers in “Home for Christmas”. Phillip is a fine actor and director. We need to keep our eye out for his future.

Alex Mitchell played the part with George Bailey with such heart and really got into the role with his whole being. This guy has lots of talent, heart and pizzazz.

Chris Trimboli was perfect in the role of Clarence the angel. Chris is so much fun and so talented. He is indeed a geek with a heart as big as Texas even though he is from New Mexico.

Natalie Self, as Mary Bailey, was just perfect. Natalie is a native Granburian and so much talent as an actress (usually gets to scream in every show including this one), a dancer and a singer. We loved to watch her race away across the stage. Natalie loves everyone and is such a nice person.

Stephen Eyre plays Uncle Billy with great emotion. Stephen is such a funny talented person who plays everything from Dracula, to Santa to the Thanksgiving Turkey. What a guy and he is from Fort Worth but sounds like a yankee and sometimes a Brit.

I am not going to mention all of the other local talent who made this show both fun to watch and so much fun to be in. If you are interested in being on the stage, watch for future Community Theatre opportunities. I will be there too!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Hood County Christmas for Children

Do you remember the thrill and excitement of getting that brand new bicycle,or that new doll house on Christmas morning when you were a kid? If you're like me, you still have vivid memories of Christmas mornings around the tree and of that one "special" gift you were really, really wishing for.

Now imagine for a moment being a child and not having any gifts under the tree on Christmas morning. Maybe worse yet, imagine being a parent who finds themselves unable to provide Christmas for their kids this year. Unfortunately, we have a staggering number of families right here in Hood County that face just such a situation this Christmas. That's where Hood County Christmas for Children comes in.

Hood County Christmas for Children provides Christmas gifts to approximately 3,000 Hood County children each year, and with the troubled economic times we are experiencing right now, that number could be significantly higher this year. You know, every child, regardless of their socio-economic status has the same wishes, hopes, and dreams. Imagine the life long effects of that child having their wishes and dreams fulfilled by Santa just like all the other boys & girls.

We do this through the tireless efforts of dedicated volunteers and generous contributions of the community. Angel cards are out on the angel trees at all the local banks in Hood County and also at many other local businesses and can be "adopted" by you right now. Simply stop by one of the local banks or participating businesses and pick up an angel card. If you take that angel card to Walmart and present it to them at the check-out counter,you will receive an automatic 10% discount of your purchases made for that angel.

Imagine the joy of knowing that a boy or girl right here in Hood County will have a Merry Christmas because of your compassion and generosity! If you have any other questions about how you can help with Christmas for Children, you can contact Camille Cook at 817-559-4322 or Micky Shearon at 817-408-5273.

Monday, November 10, 2008

An Attitude of Gratitude

Thanksgiving is much more than a bountiful feast of turkey and stuffing. It’s a time to reflect on the past year-our struggles and our triumphs- and to celebrate all the good that has happened to us. More than almost any other feeling, an attitude of gratitude helps people to feel better about their lives. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It transforms a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.

So, on this Thanksgiving, set aside some time to reflect on all the things that you are grateful for. Then throughout the year practice an attitude of gratitude toward everyone that you meet. It could be something as small as a smile to a stranger who needs one. Or, helping an elderly citizen with the groceries. When we practice an attitude of gratitude we not only share the joy of Thanksgiving, but we become more grateful for all that we have….each and every day of our lives.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Harvest Moon Festival

OCTOBER 25th & 26th, 2008


Over 100 Arts & Crafts Vendors
Children's Decorated Pumpkin Contest
Children's Fun Area
Antique Engine & Tractor Show


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Lake Granbury Medical Center

Growing, changing, and improving—these are words that best describe Lake Granbury Medical Center (LGMC) today as we build for the future. LGMC’s $15 million expansion/renovation projects are progressing well. Months of diligent strategic planning have prepared us for breaking ground on a new surgical services wing, adding a third floor for inpatient services, and upgrading our outward appearance.

About the renovation

The $15 million project will include:
• third-floor expansion, adding 24 private patient rooms to double the current inpatient capacity
• additional operating room with expanded surgical support areas
• redesigned front parking lot, including resurfacing, drainage, and landscaping
• new front entrance with covered visitor drop-off area

Meeting community needs

The medical center has experienced strong growth over the last five years, and in 2007 served significantly more patients from Granbury and surrounding communities. Last year, LGMC cared for nearly 18,500 patients in the emergency department. The hospital also delivered a record 555 newborns in its women’s services department.

This expansion and renovation project demonstrates LGMC’s long-term commitment to providing quality, compassionate care for the community. The substantial changes about to be undertaken at Lake Granbury Medical Center will offer the medical staff and patients modern, comfortable facilities as well as the technology people expect.

"Located in the center of the county, we’re proud to offer a welcome alternative to driving far away for quality medical services. We believe the people of the Lake Granbury community are our area’s greatest resource, and your health and recovery are our primary concern. If you don’t find out what you want to know about our hospital on our web site, please feel free to call us. I hope you will consider us whenever you need emergency services and highly-skilled, compassionate care."-David K.Orcutt, Chief Executive Officer of LGMC

Lake Granbury Medical Center
1310 Paluxy Road
Granbury, TX 76048
817-573-CARE (2273)

GO to for more information and updates.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Granbury Opera House

On the South side of
"The Square" is our very own
Opera House!

Live entertainment for citizens and visitors of our community.

The city of Granbury has contracted with Texas Family Musicals, Inc. to produce the musicals at Granbury Opera House. They do a fine job of providing quality Broadway style musicals while giving talented young professionals an opportunity to develop their talents on stage....

Each year the Texas Family Musicals sponsors two Community Theater projects to provide the local citizens an opportunity to enjoy the benefits of participating in a live theatre production.

Now Showing

Arsenic and Old Lace
(featuring our very own Charlie Parrish)

A classic farse based on Joseph Kesselring's Broadway hit by the same title.

There's still time to get your tickets!

September 17,18,24,& 25
Come and experence some of our fine local talent!

Click here for more information

Sunday, September 7, 2008

"Granbury Live"

One of the best- fun things to do in our town is to take in a show at Granbury Live!

There's no need to go to Branson for great family fun.

Granbury Live provides costumed and choreographed live music productions featuring an all-professional cast for family entertainment.

If you've never been to Granbury Live
you've never 'lived'!!

Now Showing


Best of the 40's 50's 60's 70's

With a tribute to
Academy Award winning songs!


SATURDAYS 1:00 & 8:00


The theater has comfortable seating, good A-C, and a great sound system. Every aspect of the shows at Granbury Live - talent, costuming, production, and the facility is outstanding. Be sure to join their E Club for updates about the concerts and special offers.
See schedule of upcoming shows at

114 North Crockett Street
Granbury, Texas 76048
Phone: 1-800-989-8240 or 817-573-0303

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

"Boot Scooting with Dolly and Willie"

They look and sound like the 'real' thing!!

September 19, 2008- at 6:30 PM
Pecan Plantation Country Club

The United Way of Hood County invites you to
an evening of "Boot Scootin' with Dolly and Willie"

$100 person
$750 for a table of eight
$1500 for a table of eight with preferred seating
$5000 for a main sponsor table of eight with preferred seating

Grab four couples, make your reservations, and get ready for
a boot-scootin’, fun evening. Bring your wallet and get ready
to spend some money on some exciting adventures!
Or come one, come all and be a part of a really
fantastic evening!

This is the only benefit during the year that the net profits
go to support the operational needs (salary,mail-outs, etc.)
budgeted to run our local United Way.

By having this benefit once a year,
the agencies and people right here in Hood County.

Call 817 579 -5100 for more information

Saturday, July 26, 2008


As the weather heats up, so do utility costs. For many lower income families paying the electric bill means doing without other needs- sometimes even food or medical care. These are our neighbors, hard working families that are just ‘making it’ financially–until some extra expense comes along.

We've had an exceptionally warm spring and summer this year, straining the resources of our local charities

Did you know Granbury has an Emergency Assistance Network that includes 24 local churches, the United Way of Hood County, Hood County Children’s Charities, and several other small social service providers?

Mission Granbury one of the initiators of this crucial need in our area has been overwhelmed with requests for food (canned goods & other staples). Financial help for rent, utilities, prescriptions, food, car gas, and other basic needs for under privileged families.


Please click on their website

Or call them at 817 579-6866 to check out the services they provide and find out how you can help.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Fall Creek Medical Plaza

Our town is growing!

With new families coming here,
is a need for more and larger health care facilities.

We welcome the following addition from
Lake Granbury Medical Center.

Fall Creek Medical Plaza (FCMP), a new primary
care facility, should be completed by late summer.
Located at 601 Fall Creek Highway, about one
mile off Highway 377, the facility will provide the
entire family with quality care on the Fort Worth side of
Lake Granbury Medical Center (LGMC) will provide an
array of in-house outpatient diagnostic services, including
electrocardiograms, bone densitometry testing, lab draws,
and other services.

Ample parking, extended hours
The one-story, 16,000-square-foot building will offer easy
access, ample parking, and extended hours. The facility
can support a total of six primary care physicians and
has a hospitality/concierge style waiting room.

Enhancing the patient experience
Patient examination rooms, procedure
rooms, and medical staff offices are
designed with a pod concept. This will lead
to reduced wait times while maximizing
physician-patient interactions.

Lake Granbury Primary Care physicians Christopher
Ellis, M.D., Internal Medicine; James Kelleher, M.D.,
Family Medicine; Angela Self, M.D., Internal Medicine;
and Lenito John Sinay, M.D., Internal Medicine, will
relocate their practice to FCMP. In the next year, two
more primary care physicians will be recruited to occupy
the remaining pod.

Education and wellness seminars
The building will have a community conference room
that will enhance LGMC’s ability to provide educational
and wellness seminars. LGMC also plans to expand
both Healthy Woman and Senior Circle programming to
FCMP. With a combined membership of nearly 3,000,
these programs will increase member access to
screening events, exercise classes, physician activities,
and social events.

Tour the facility!

Call (817) 408-3237 or visit
for more information.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Granbury's 34th Annual 4th of July Celebration

The 4th of July is an exciting time in Granbury!

Take a trip to the Square for lots of shopping and The Hometown Parade, enjoy some excercise in the "Run for the Hills 5k," or dance with your sweetheart at the All American Big Band Jazz Performance on the Langdon Center Lawn. Top off the evening of the 4th with the fabulous fireworks show over Lake Granbury.

Of course, you can also relax and enjoy the new beach or boating on Lake Granbury. If you want a little bit of entertainment, visit the other popular local attractions like the Granbury Riverboat, Granbury Live and the Granbury Opera House.

Take a look at the schedule of events for the 4th of July weekend and enjoy a safe and fun holiday weekend!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Parrish Team Sponsors The Blazers

This spring the Parrish Team had the pleasure of serving as the sponsor for The Blazers girls softball team, coached by our own Beth Shearon. The season has already wrapped up, and we're so proud of the team for all of their hard work! Way to Go Girls!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Celebrating a "Decade of Service"

During 2008, the United Way of Hood County is celebrating ten years of continuous service to the people of Hood County. On May 15th over 100 people gathered to applaud individuals and businesses who have contributed to the success of United Way. A special recogniation was given to Luminate, Inc. (previously TXU) who has contributed $560,000 over the past ten years. Their family of employees has worked together raising the funds and then sharing their successful fund raising efforts with Hood County's United Way. This donation over the past ten years, has played a major role in helping UWHC be able to put over $2 million dollars into the partner agencies and emergency needs serving Hood County.

Mission Statement
The United Way of Hood County To increase the organized capacity of people to care for one another in Hood County.

Vision Statement
To meet current and emerging needs in Hood County that are best met through voluntarism by uniting contributors, providers and users of human services in a voluntary and cooperative effort through fund raising campaign, programs and planning and evaluation, and distribution of funds to participating agencies.

Our 2008 Partner Agencies will be receiving more than $187,000 this year. Agencies serving Hood County are:

American Red Cross Chisholm Trail Chapter
Boys & Girls Club of Hood County
Camp Fire USA First Texas Council
Cancer Care Services
Child Advocacy
Child Study Center
Cloients Council
Girl Scounts, Circle T., Council, Inc.
Hood County Children's Charity Fund, Inc.
Hood County Christmas for Children, Inc.
Hood County Committee on Aging
Hood County 4-H
Hood/Erath Fpster Parent Association
Mission Granbury,Inc.
Operation School Supplies
Salvation Army

Again it is the goal of the Board of Directors for the United Way of Hood County, to always spend .99 cents of every dollar YOU give right here in HOOD COUNTY. Our special event in September is set aside and advertised as a fund raiser especially for operational expenses. This is important to every one that gives....YOU give to your neighbor! through the Partner Agencies and thru additional funds UWHC donates during emergencies such as flooding, fires, special emergency program funding, and start-up funds for new needed programs during a budget year.

We will be giving you information on all upcoming events, and will let you know when our new website is ready to link on for updated information and also a way to donate on-line.

Julia Pannel

Monday, May 12, 2008

The Parrish Team of Keller Williams Realty Spring Golf Classic

The weather was beautiful, the golfers happy and the burgers were tasty. Harbor Lakes Golf Club provided the perfect setting for an afternoon of fun for everyone involved. The Parrish Team of Keller Williams Realty Spring Golf Classic was a huge success and it was our pleasure to sponsor the event benefiting the Christian Women's Job Corps of Granbury.

The mission of CWJC is to enrich the lives of women in need by providing them an education in life and job skills as well as Christian values. Through the help of many volunteers, participants are given an opportunity to learn basic office skills, receive counseling and to be mentored by a woman in the community. Through CWJC women are prepared and equipped to meet life's challenges. We believe that CWJC satisfies a critical need in Granbury and serves a valuable role in the community.

Thank you to all of the golfers, sponsors and volunteers who helped make the Spring Classic a great success. We look forward to the event again next year.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Golfing in Granbury

Golf opportunities abound in the Granbury area for both visitors and residents. From public courses to semi private to private, there are many easy to challenging courses available. Listed below area the courses available in Granbury, as well as some within a short drive, with contact information about each. If you are thinking about moving to the area and may have an interest in one of the private clubs you can usually arrange a round by contacting the pro at the club.

Granbury Country Club
Located on the east side of Granbury just north of Hwy. 377 this course is a private 9 hole, Par 36 course, 3054 yards in length. This course is primarily flat terrain with some trees. Phone 817-573-9912

DeCordova Bend Country Club
Located southeast of Granbury near Acton, this course is a private course in a gated community. It has an 18 hole championship course and 9 hole executive course. This course is very tight, with lots of elevation changes and trees. There is also water on a number of the holes. Phone 817-326-2381, web

Harbor Lakes Country Club
Located in Granbury, in the Harbor Lakes Development, this course is semi-private. Currently it is available for fee play but will become private once the development in the area is complete and memberships have been sold. It is 18 holes, Par 72, 7200 yards. It is a links style course, generally flat with lots of water. When the wind blows this is a very challenging course. Phone 817-578-8600, web

Pecan Plantation Country Club
Located 10 miles south of Granbury in the Pecan Plantation Development, this is a private course located within the gated community. It is 18 holes, Par 72, 6830 yards. It has a number of holes with elevation changes, has water on several holes and several holes lined with large Pecan Trees. Phone 817-573-2645, web

Nutcracker Golf Club
Located within the Pecan Plantation community, this is a private course. It is 18 holes, par 72. It is generally flat with water on a number of holes and is lined with large pecan trees on most holes. Phone 817-279-0936.

Hidden Oaks Golf Club
Located about 4 miles northeast of Granbury near the Bentwater and Mallard Point Developments, this is a public course. It is 18 holes, Par 72, 6486 yards. This course is fairly open, with minor elevation changes, water and trees. Phone 817-279-1078, web

Sugartree Golf Club
Located about 20 minutes northwest of Granbury, on the Brazos River near the community of Dennis, this is currently a public course. Memberships are available when purchasing property in the Sugartree Development. It is 18 holes, Par 70, 6659 yards. This is a very tight course with lots of trees and water on 13 holes. There is a premium on shot placement on many holes. Phone 817-341-1111, web

Squaw Valley Golf Club
Located south of Granbury in Glen Rose, this is a public course. It has 36 holes. Apache Links is Par 72, 7063 yards and Comanche Lakes is Par 72, 7000 yards. The course is generally flat, but has Squaw Creek running through the property so there are large trees and water on a number of holes. Phone 254-897-7956, web

Star Hollow Golf Club
Located west of Granbury need Tolar, this is a private course. It is a 9 hole course that is highly rated but access is limited. You will probably need to know a member to play this course. Phone 254-834-3463.

A number of these course have very reasonable rates, and run specials regularly. Most of them also have senior rates.

Have fun and enjoy a round!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


The long wait is over.....GRANBURY LIVE PRESENTS COUNTRY through May 12. Joining Steve, Roger, Christian, Mike and Alecia on stagewill be Lynn Parker on steel guitar (come on down Johnny Cash fans....), Kristi Kalyn (recording artist from Aledo), Trent Blackley (The Heights in Richardson) and Dallas Manly ("Crying" goes to a new level).
Profiles and photos on

A few of the songs performed by the New Granbury Live band and featuring Mike and Alecia are:"Orange Blossom Special" (as only Mike plays it)"Steel Guitar Rag""Rocky Top""Devil Went Down to Georgia""Jesus, Take The Wheel""Faded Love""Silver Threads, Golden Needles""Crying""Ring of Fire""Love Will Build a Bridge""Tennessee Waltz""Folsom Prison Blues" "Thank God I'm a Country Boy"Music from Bob Wills, Carrie Underwood, Shania Twain, the Judds, Eddy Arnold, Dolly Parton, Ricky Skaggs, Johnny Cash and many more -

Join us through May 11
Fridays @ 8PM
Saturdayss @ 1PM and 8PM

Our next concert starting May 16th will be THE BEAT GOES ON - yes, 60's music through July 19. After that will be "Jukebox Journey" - July 26 through September 27. Family fun entertainment at its best.

FAMILY FRIDAY NIGHTS - youth (12 and under) free with each regular price adult ticket. If you have not been to Granbury Live before, you will wonder what took you so long to get here! Preview on

Reservations required 1-800-989-8240 or 817-573-0303.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Birthday General Granbury!

Come celebrate with us! This weekend marks the 30th annual celebration of General Granbury’s Birthday! General Hiram B.Granbury, our founding father, was one of the six Confederate Generals killed at the Battle of Franklin II, in 1864.

The square will be bustling with activity as we honor the memory of General Granbury. Bring your family and enjoy the fun with more than 60 arts and crafts and food vendors set up around the square. There will also be a parade, family carnival, and be sure to treat your taste-buds at the Bean, BBQ Ribs, and brisket Cook-Off.

Saturday, March 29- 9:00am - 6:00pm
-10:00am- Cake Cutting, Bean & BBQ Cookoff Begins
-12:00pm- Parade
- 3:00 pm- Outrageous Outhouse Race

Sunday, March 30- 12:00pm - 5:00pm

Be sure to stop by the Keller Williams booth on Saturday and try Cecil Caldwell’s famous beans, or buy some baked goods and support our KW charity KW Cares.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Holy Week

Yesterday we celebrated Palm Sunday, marking the beginning of Holy Week. With palm leaves raised in the air, believers all over the world honored and celebrated the day that Jesus began his journey into Jerusalem, where he would be tried and crucified. Maundy Thursday is a day that we remember the Last Supper that Jesus had with the Disciples, where he symbolically broke bread and shared of his body and blood that would be given for us. Good Friday, although a somber day, is one that we celebrate Christ's sacrifice- his crucifixion and burial- in order to save us from our own sins. Holy Week culminates with Easter, a day celebrating the promised resurrection of Jesus Christ. This week you have many opportunities to attend church services in the area to celebrate, honor and remember the sacrifice that was made so that we may have Life. Listed below are a few local churches that will have services to celebrate the different days of Holy Week.

Holy Week Services

Emmanuel Lutheran Church
2301 Fall Creek Highway
Maundy Thursday, March 20 6 p.m.
Combined worship service & Sedder supper
(reservations required)
Good Friday, March 21
7 p.m. Good Friday Tenebrae service
Easter Sunday, March 23
7 a.m. Sunrise service by youth group
8 a.m. Breakfast
9 a.m. Festival worship

First Christian Church
2109 W. Highway 377
Maundy Thursday, March 20
7:30 p.m. Communion service (open to all)
Easter Sunday, March 23
7:30 a.m. Sunrise service, followed by continental breakfast
9 a.m. Celebration (contemporary) service
10 a.m. Sunday School
11 a.m. Traditional service

Gateway Community Church
1200 Temple Hall Highway
Easter Sunday, March 23
9 a.m. Worship service
10:30 a.m. Worship service

Good Shepherd Episcopal Church
3600 Fall Creek Highway
Maundy Thursday, March 20
7:30 p.m. Holy Eucharist with foot washing,
Good Friday, March 21
Noon Holy Eucharist Good Friday liturgy
6 p.m. Stations of the Cross: "This is the Way it Was"
Holy Saturday, March 22
8 p.m.Easter Vigil Holy Eucharist
Easter Sunday, March 22
8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
9:15 a.m. - Reception and Easter Egg Hunt

Granbury First United Methodist Church
301 Loop 567
Maundy Thursday, March 20
5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Come & go communion in Hooks Chapel
Good Friday, March 21
7 p.m. Worship service
Easter Sunday, March 23
8:30 a.m. Easter celebration service
10:50 a.m. Easter celebration service

Lake Granbury Christian Temple
3755 Acton Highway
Easter Sunday, March 23
10:45 a.m. Easter celebration with the theme, Undefeated...Undisputed...Unstoppable!

Lakeside Baptist Church
500 W. Bluebonnet
Good Friday, March 21
7 p.m. Worship service
Easter Sunday, March 23
8:30 a.m. Worship service
10:30 a.m. Worship service

Our Savior Lutheran Church
1400 N. Meadows Dr.
Maundy Thursday, March 20
7 p.m. Worship
Good Friday, March 21
7:30 p.m. Worship
Easter Sunday, March 23
7:15 a.m. Sunrise worship
8 a.m. Breakfast
10 a.m. Easter worship

St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Church
2301 Acton Hwy.
Holy Thursday, March 20
7:30 p.m. Mass of the Lord's Supper,
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after Mass until 10 p.m.
Good Friday, March 21
7:30 p.m. Liturgical serivce of the Passion & Death of the Lord
Holy Saturday, March 22
8 p.m. Solemn Easter Vigil
(no confessions and no 5 p.m. Mass)
Easter Sunday, March 23
9 a.m. Mass
12:30 p.m. Mass (Spanish)

Monday, March 10, 2008

Habitat for Humanity is a Christian organization that provides simple, livable homes to the needy. Homeowners are selected based on need and ability to pay a mortgage and other necessary homeowner expenses, such as utilities. Habitat does not discriminate in the selection of homeowners.

Habitat For Humanity Hood County (HFHHC) builds four houses each year. We are presently building in the Rancho Brazos area, behind the American Legion Post, off Davis Road.

HFHHC is somewhat unique in Habitat International (of which we are a dedicated part) in that we build four homes a year with no paid staff. All of the administration, as well as the construction, is done by volunteers. That means that all funds donated to Habitat For Humanity Hood County go toward the construction of Habitat homes.

HFHHC is now building houses # 41 and # 42. Habitat homeowners contribute 300 hours of "sweat equity" on their house or another in construction. We delight in getting to know these new homeowners, and they learn valuable home-owning skills.

We work on Wednesdays and Saturdays, beginning at about 8:30 AM. Lunch is usually at 11:30, and is provided by a local church or business group. That's another uniquely Granbury thing. In most communities, Habitat workers bring a sack lunch. Here, many churches provide an excellent lunch. We welcome new volunteers to come out and join us on any workday.

For more information call 817-573-2812

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

And the winners are…

Granbury Chamber of Commerce

2008 Chamber Awards Banquet -

Granbury movers and shakers filled the banquet hall at DeCordova Bend Estates Friday night as we celebrated our successes for 2008. The James Bond theme brought out the glamour in everyone! Lovely ladies in evening gowns and simple sheik black and white were paired with the dashing gentlemen wearing Texas tuxedos as well as a few George Clooney look a likes in their own classics tuxes.

We dined on Texas classic cuisine, prime rib and grilled shrimp and enjoyed the awards presentation from various chamber members. Entertainment included the live auction, dancing, trying our chances at the gaming tables and a live sketch artist!

Winners for the evening included:
Janice Horack rep. for Cultural Events & Community Education at the Tarleton Langdon Center
Melinda Watson from Advanced Embroidery
Sandy Price from All About Sports
Dr Chris Cheyne from Cheyne Eye Center
The Courtyards at Lake Granbury
Josh from D’Vine Wine of Texas
Billy Wiley from Wiley funeral Home
Thomas G. Myers from Myers Automotive
Julia Pannell for community service
Angela Raines is the outgoing president who won the Director of the year award.

Why do I love Granbury? The community support and involvement in this small town is dynamic. The business support from one to another is awesome. Living in this community always brings out the fun side of life – my hats off to all of the organizers and winners tonight!

Why do you love Granbury? Send us your thoughts by submitting an article or simply comment on this site!

Jane Mouhot
Realtor Keller Williams Realty

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

So what is Love Granbury? It's really simple. Love Granbury is all about sharing the love of Christ with our community through humble acts of community service.

Love Granbury is based on the generosity of God spilling out of our lives, and out of our churches into the lives of the people in our communities. The method we are using is called “servant evangelism” which is offering people free gifts or services to show God’s love in a practical way – no strings attached!

These community service projects can be in the form of free car washes, mowing yards, roadside litter pick up, passing out soft drinks and many other types of community service, all free of charge and again, with no strings attached.

The primary component of the Love Granbury model is an annual event called the "Kindness Explosion". The Kindness Explosion is a two day event where local churches of varied denominational backgrounds come together to worship and pray together, and then go out into the community and serve the community as one Church - all to the glory of God! We believe that there is no greater witness than the Church, as one unified body of Believers, reaching out in genuine love and compassion to the community through humble acts of kindness. We seek to redefine the church in our community by actively planting seeds of God's unconditional love in the hearts of every man, woman and child in this community.

The second component of Love Granbury is regular, ongoing (weekly, monthly or quarterly) servant evangelism outreach projects done through individual churches in the community. Its simply sharing the love of God with others by doing some act of kindness for them...and it's always free, just like God's love is free!

If you would like additional information on how your church can be involved in Love Granbury, please browse our web site at, or you can call Micky Shearon at 817-408-5273 or email him at

Friday, February 15, 2008

Granbury Golf Tournament

Well it's the end of another week in Granbury, Texas and The Parrish Team is still going strong. Our team leader Charlie Parrish has just spent the week in Atlanta at the Keller Williams Family Reunion learning the latest and greatest in real estate marketing.

Although we are in the business of selling real estate, The Parrish Team is always looking for opportunities to serve the Granbury community both as a team and as individuals. We have recently chosen to support a local organization called Christian Womens Job Corps by taking the role as the title sponsor for their Spring Golf Classic fundraiser on April 25, 2008 to be held at Harbor Lakes Golf Club.

We are very excited about supporting this organization and encourage each of you to participate as well. There is still room for you to sign up as an individual, a team, or as a sponsor for the tournament.

This worthy organization operates under the mission of serving the women and families in Granbury by providing them an education in life and job skills. CWJC offers education in a classroom setting -Bible study, computer training, communication skills, family and child care, health and nutrition, money management, job readiness and enhanced curriculum.

For more information on how you can get involved with the Spring Golf Classic or with CWJC, contact our team member and CJWC Board Member Jane Mouhot at 817-894-0911 or

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Welcome to the “I LOVE GRANBURY” blog

I am Charlie Parrish, the lead agent of the Parrish Team of Keller Williams Realty. We love Granbury and hope to promote this blog to help you better understand this wonderful community that we live in and around.

Granbury is filled with rich history from the Comanche Indians that summered on Comanche Peak (our mountain), to the early settlers along the Brazos River (earlier than the establishment of Fort Worth). Even today The Brazos River continues to be a water source for our community.

Granbury has grown and grown from a small farm community with cotton and peanuts to a bustling resort center with Lake Granbury as its crown. Granbury is also home to five beautiful golf courses that attract visitors from all over the state. In addition to our Historic Town Square and Opera House, retail trade has contributed to Granbury’s growth with major stores and restaurants moving in every year. Our airport also brings in many people and promises to be even more attractive with an additional runway that will accommodate corporate jets.

Our town and county have recently been blessed with major natural gas drilling in the Barnett Shale. While we all fuss about all the big trucks, the Barnett Shale has brought in millions of dollars to our residents and to business revenue. Many gas companies have moved here bringing along executives and many employees, contributing to our economy in great ways.

We enjoy a mild climate and a forward looking city and county government that work with citizens and businesses alike to provide a positive work environment. The town and surrounding areas provide a multitude of service organizations, church affiliations and a friendly environment to all faiths and ethnic backgrounds. I can honestly say that with its rich history and bright future, I’m glad to call Granbury home.

That’s all for today